Edit a Widget

Edit a Widget

Once you've created a widget, you will have the option of changing a number of different settings particular to that widget. 

Note: Depending on your parent account’s permission settings, you may not have access to this feature. 

Step 1: From your Dashboard select Widgets and Manage Widgets 

Step 2: Determine what you need to do with your widget. You can Delete, Preview, Get Code, Edit, adjust Permissions, and change Advanced settings. 

There are two options for editing widgets. Selecting the Edit button will allow you to adjust the widget type, select and change which testimonials are displaying through that widget, or change the name of the widget.  The Advanced button will allow you to customize the display settings for that widget.  For instance, you're able to adjust things like star color, how many testimonials display at once, display order, auto rotate, background color, testimonial font color, etc.

Edit Basic Widget Settings (widget type, testimonials displayed, and widget name)

Step 1: Click the Edit icon for the particular widget you'd like to make changes to  

Step 2: This will launch the Widget Wizard. Your current widget type will be highlighted in green. If you are changing the widget type, select the new type you'd like to use. If you're pleased with your current widget type, find your widget (which will be in green) and select Choose and Continue.

Step 3: The next step allows you to select which testimonials you'd like to display on the widget. Those currently being displayed will have a Remove action button, and those not currently being displayed will have an Add action button. Make any adjustments to this page as needed, then click Continue at the bottom of the page

Step 4: Rename your widget, if necessary, then click Finish


Edit Advanced Widget Settings (star color, how many testimonials display at once, display order, auto rotate, etc.)

Step 1: Click the Advanced (gears) icon for the particular widget you'd like to make changes to

Step 2: The advanced settings differ based on the widget type, but a number of the settings options are universal.  Make the appropriate changes to ensure the widget matches the look and feel of your site and click Save at the bottom of the page 


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