Testimonial Tree - EyeMD EMR Healthcare Systems, Inc. integration
Testimonial Tree integrates with EyeMD EMR Healthcare Systems, Inc. to automate patient satisfaction surveys for MIPS, testimonials and reviews process. Upon account setup we will request the following and turn on the automation to get us started.
Setting up your account & enabling the integration:
1. Your Testimonial Tree onboarding specialist will request your practice's Contract ID and Provider NPIs from EyeMD EMR's support team.
2. Your Testimonial Tree onboarding specialist will setup your practice account, admin(s), office(s) and provider profiles in Testimonial Tree. The admin username and provider usernames must be structured properly for the integration to work properly.
Admin Username is structured:
Example: 1
Provider Username(s) are structured:
Example: 2
3. Create survey, questions and workflow for testimonials (providers) and reviews (practice office location or providers). Turn on live (1 survey per practice, no recurring import setup needed. The API will default to the Survey ID in the practice account and tie results to the provider).
4. Enable Testimonial Tree EyeMD EMR integration in EyeMD EMR (must have admin access on behalf of employees)
A. Enable provider(s) Testimonial Tree (Employees)
Enable Provider Testimonial Tree in EyeMD EMR B. Enable specific office visit types
Enable Office Visit Testimonial Tree in EyeMD EMR5. Patient survey requests will be sent (1email + text + up to 2 additional auto-reminders) upon a signed chart for matching enabled provider, visit type and patient (with email or mobile phone in EyeMD EMR)
Types of content we can collect, share/publish (social media sites, your website, Testimonial Tree business profiles) or monitor (reputation monitoring):
- Patient Surveys
- Provider Testimonials (5-star rating, comment or testimonial)
- Google Reviews
- Facebook Recommendations
- Healthgrades
- WebMD
- Vitals
- Testimonial Tree
- Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more)
Please note all website publishing and social posting is HIPAA compliant with only patient first name, last initial publicly displaying on websites and social media. Your account rep will ensure your privacy settings are enabled. Contact
Sales@TestimonialTree.com or
Support@Testimonialtree.com for additional assistance.
For questions about MIPS Beneficiary Improvement activities please contact your EyeMD EMR trainer.
CMS recently made changes to several improvement activities:
IA_BE_6: Collection and follow-up on patient experience and satisfaction data on beneficiary engagement