How to Add Survey Meta Data

How to Add Survey Meta Data

Meta Data can be added to surveys to allow tracking of any data you require that is outside of the base use case of the Testimonial Tree software. Meta Data is most commonly used to augment the survey presented to your customers.

By Adding a "{meta_label}" to a survey question, the value passed in to the survey request for that "meta_label" will be shown on the survey. For example, if a question is written as "How would you rate your {color} {item_name}?" and "color" was set to "black" and "item_name" was set to "couch" the question would be presented to the customer as: "How would you rate your black couch?"

Meta Data can also be used to filter reviews for your widgets.

Step 1: From the Dashboard select Surveys from the Navigation Bar and then Manage Surveys 

Step 2: Click the Edit icon on the Survey you wish to edit

Step 3: Click the "[+] New DataField" Button

Step 4: Enter the Report Label and the Replace String values (the string that can be entered with a survey question within curly brackets to show the meta data within a survey question)

Step 5: Click Save

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